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As of , the city had a population of 1,, and a metropolitan population of 1,,, making it the third-largest city and fifth-largest metropolitan area in Canada. Calgary is situated at the confluence of the Bow River and the Elbow River in the south of the province, in the transitional area between the Rocky Mountain Foothills and the Canadian Prairies , about 80 km 50 mi east of the front ranges of the Canadian Rockies , roughly km mi south of the provincial capital of Edmonton and approximately km mi north of the Canada—United States border.

The city anchors the south end of the Statistics Canada -defined urban area, the Calgary—Edmonton Corridor. Calgary's economy includes activity in the energy, financial services, film and television, transportation and logistics, technology, manufacturing, aerospace, health and wellness, retail, and tourism sectors. The Indigenous peoples of Southern Alberta refer to the Calgary area as "elbow", in reference to the sharp bend made by the Bow River and the Elbow River. In some cases, the area was named after the reeds that grew along the riverbanks, reeds which had been used to fashion bows.

There have been several attempts to revive the Indigenous names of Calgary. The Calgary area was inhabited by pre- Clovis people whose presence has been traced back at least 11, years. As Mayor Naheed Nenshi said in , "There have always been people here. In Biblical times there were people here. For generations beyond number, people have come here to this land, drawn here by the water. They come here to hunt and fish; to trade; to live; to love; to have great victories; to taste bitter disappointment; but above all to engage in that very human act of building community.

He was also a fur trader and surveyor and the first recorded European to visit the area. John Glenn was the first documented European settler in the Calgary area, in Baker Company of Fort Benton, Montana , was contracted to construct a suitable fort, and after its completion, the Baker company built a log store next to the fort.

Edward Blake , at the time Minister of Justice , agreed with the name and in the spring of Fort Calgary was officially established. In the federal government began to offer leases for cattle ranching in Alberta up to km 2 , acres for one cent per acre per year under the Dominion Lands Act , which became a catalyst for immigration to the settlement. The I. Baker Company drove the first herd of cattle to the region in the same year for the Cochrane area by order of Major James Walker.

The difficulty in crossing the river and the CPR's efforts to persuade residents resulted in the core of the Calgary townsite moving onto Section 15, with the fate of the old townsite sealed when the post office was anonymously moved across the icy Elbow River during the night. Armour and printer Thomas B. Residents of the now-eight-year-old settlement sought to form a local government of their own.

In the first weeks of , James Reilly who was building the Royal Hotel east of the Elbow River circulated handbills announcing a public meeting on January 7, , at the Methodist Church. The attendees were enthusiastic about the committee and on the next evening a vote was held to elect the seven members. A total of 24 candidates were nominated, which equalled 10 per cent of Calgary's male population. Major James Walker received 88 votes, the most amongst the candidates, the other six members were Dr.

Moulton, and Captain John Stewart. The election was held under multiple non-transferable vote where each elector was able to cast a ballot for the mayor and up to four ballots for separate councillors.

Law and order remained top of mind in the frontier town, in early Jack Campbell was appointed as a constable for the community, and in early the Town Council passed By-law Eleven creating the position of Chief Constable and assigning relevant duties, a precursor to the Calgary Police Service. The first chief constable, John Jack S. Ingram, who had previously served as the first police chief in Winnipeg, was empowered to arrest drunken and disorderly people, stop all fast riding in town, attend all fires and council meetings.

For the Town of Calgary, turned out to be a success; however, two dark years lay ahead for the fledgling community. The turmoil started in late , when Councillor Clarke was arrested for threatening a plain-clothes Mountie who entered his saloon to conduct a late-night search. When the officer failed to produce a search warrant , Clarke chased him off the premises; however, the Mountie returned with reinforcements and arrested Clarke.

Murdoch returned to Calgary on December 27, , only a week before the upcoming election to find the Town in disarray. Marsh brought a charge of corruption against Murdoch and council over irregularities in the voters' list. This was despite the fact Murdoch was visiting Eastern Canada while the alleged tampering was occurring.

The federal government acted before receiving Taylor's report, Jeremiah Travis was suspended and the government waited for his official tenure to expire, after which he was pensioned off. The Territorial Council called for a new municipal election to be held in Calgary on November 3, Calgary would only have a couple days peace following the November election before the Calgary Fire of destroyed much of the community's downtown.

Part of the slow response to the fire can be attributed to the absence of functioning local government during As neither George Murdoch or James Reilly was capable of effectively governing the town, the newly ordered chemical engine for the recently organized Calgary Fire Department Calgary Hook, Ladder and Bucket Corps was held in the CPR's storage yard due to lack of payment. The new Town Council sprung into action, drafting a bylaw requiring all large downtown buildings were to be built with sandstone, which was readily available nearby in the form of Paskapoo sandstone.

McCallum, and William Oliver. Calgary continued to expand when real estate speculation took hold of Calgary in Speculators began buying and building west of Centre Street and Calgary quickly began to sprawl west to the ire of property owners on the east side of town.

The first step in connecting the District of Alberta happened in Calgary on July 21, as Minister of the Interior Edgar Dewdney turned the first sod for the Calgary and Edmonton Railway in front of two thousand residents.

Smallpox arrived in Calgary in June when a Chinese resident was found with the disease, and by August nine people had contracted the disease with three deaths. Calgarians placed the blame for the disease on the local Chinese population, resulting in a riot on August 2, The local police did not attempt to intervene.

Mayor Alexander Lucas had inexplicably left town during the riot, [85] and when he returned home he called the NWMP in to patrol Calgary for three weeks to prevent further riots.

Finally on January 1, , Calgary was granted a Charter by the 2nd North-West Legislative Assembly , officially titled Ordinance 33 of , the City of Calgary Charter elevated the frontier town to the status of a full-fledged city. The Charter came into effect in such a way as to prevent the regularly scheduled municipal election in December , and recognizing the importance of the moment, the entire Town Council resigned to ensure the new City could choose the first Calgary City Council.

By late 19th century, the Hudson's Bay Company HBC expanded into the interior and established posts along rivers that later developed into the modern cities of Winnipeg , Calgary and Edmonton. In , the HBC established a sales shop in Calgary. HBC also built the first of the grand "original six" department stores in Calgary in ; others that followed are Edmonton, Vancouver , Victoria , Saskatoon , and Winnipeg. In October the Village of Rouleauville was incorporated by French Catholic residents south of Calgary's city limits in what is now known as Mission , [93] the town would not remain independent for long, and became the first incorporated municipality to be amalgamated into Calgary eight years later in The turn of the century brought questions of provincehood the top of mind in Calgary.

On September 1, , Alberta was proclaimed a province with a provisional capital in Edmonton, it would be left up to the Legislature to choose the permanent location.

However, the efforts by the community could not sway the government, and the University of Alberta was founded in the City of Strathcona , Premier Rutherford's home, which was subsequently amalgamated into the City of Edmonton in In , R. Bennett introduced a bill in the Alberta Legislature to incorporate the "Calgary University", however there was significant opposition to two degree-granting institutions in such a small province. A commission was appointed to evaluate the Calgary proposal which found the second university to be unnecessary, however, the commission did recommend the formation of the Provincial Institute of Technology and Art in Calgary SAIT , which was formed later in Built-up areas of Calgary between and were serviced by power and water, the City continued a program of paving and sidewalk laying and with the CPR constructed a series of subways under the tracks to connect the town with streetcars.

The first three motor buses hit Calgary streets in , and two years later the municipally owned street railway system , fit with seven miles of track opened in Calgary. The immediately popular street railway system reached , passengers per month by The growing City and enthusiastic residents were rewarded in with the federally funded Dominion Exhibition. McLean , and A. The Big Four , as they came to be known, viewed the project as a final celebration of their life as cattlemen.

While agriculture and railway activities were the dominant aspects of Calgary's early economy, the Turner Valley Discovery Well blew South-West of Calgary on May 14, marked the beginning of the oil and gas age in Calgary.

Archibald Wayne Dingman and Calgary Petroleum Product's discovery was heralded as the "biggest oil field in the British Empire" at around 19 million cubic metres, and in a three-week period an estimated oil companies sprang into existence. While Edmonton would see significant population and economic growth with the Leduc discovery, many corporate offices established in Calgary after Turner Valley refused to relocate north. Earlyth-century Calgary served as a hotbed for political activity. Historically Calgarians supported the provincial and federal conservative parties, the opposite of the Liberal friendly City of Edmonton.

However, Calgarians were sympathetic to the cause of workers and supported the development of labour organizations. In the upstart United Farmers of Alberta UFA formed in Calgary as a non-partisan lobbying organization to represent the interests of farmers.

The UFA quickly dropped the non-partisan aspect of the organization and contested the provincial election forming the province's first non-Liberal government. Calgary endured a six-year recession following the First World War, the rising unemployment rate from reduced manufacturing demand compounded with service men returned from Europe eager to seek work created economic and social unrest.

In , Civic Government Association formed in opposition of growing influence of labour groups, endorsing their own competing slate of candidates.

The organizational meeting was held in Calgary on July 31, with attendance exceeding 1, people. Calgary gained further political prominence when R. Bennett 's Conservative Party won the federal election and formed government and became Canada's 11th Prime Minister.

Only a little over a decade after shuttering the municipal tram lines Calgary City Council began investigating rapid transit. In a heavy rail transit proposal was developed, however the estimated costs continued to grow rapidly, and the plan was re-evaluated in In May Calgary City Council directed that a detailed design and construction start on the south leg of a light rail transit system, [] which opened on May 25, and dubbed the CTrain. The University of Calgary gained autonomy as a degree granting institution in with the passage of the Universities Act by the Alberta Legislature.

The campus provided as a one dollar lease from the City of Calgary in , had previously served as a satellite campus of the University of Alberta. The s energy crisis resulted in significant investment and growth in Calgary. By , 45 per cent of the Calgary labour force was made up of management, administrative or clerical staff, above the national average of 35 per cent. Calgary almost specializes in newcomers The economic boom saw a number of high-rises pop up on the Calgary skyline. The flurry of construction saw Calgary open more office space in than New York City and Chicago combined.

The two tower granite Petro-Canada Centre, commonly referred to by locals as Red Square alluding to the city's hostile view of the state-owned petroleum company, saw the larger storey west tower rise to metres and become the largest building in Calgary for 26 years, and a smaller storey east tower rise metres.

The boom could not last forever. The s oil glut caused by falling demand and the National Energy Program marked the end of Calgary's boom. The decline was so swift that the city's population went down for the first time in history from April to April , and 3, homes were foreclosed by financial institutions in Amongst the most invigorating news of the decade came on May 21, when Nelson Skalbania announced the relocation of the Atlanta Flames hockey club to become the Calgary Flames.

Skalbania represented a group of Calgary businessmen that included oil magnates Harley Hotchkiss , Ralph T. Public concern existed regarding the potential long-term debt implications which had plagued Montreal following the Olympics.


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The ordered modeling process begins with a base feature controlled by a 2D sketch, which is either a linear, revolved, lofted, or swept extrusion. Each subsequent feature is built on the previous feature.

When editing, the model is "rolled back" to the point where the feature was created so that the user cannot try to apply constraints to geometry that does not yet exist. The drawback is that the user does not see how the edit will interact with the subsequent features. This is typically called "history" or "regeneration based" modeling.

This is particularly useful for working with imported models or complex native models. Direct modeling features are available in both Ordered and Synchronous mode. If used in the Ordered mode, the direct modeling edits are appended to the history tree at the point of current rollback just like any other ordered feature.

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Previous page. Publication date. Print length. See all details. Next page. From the Back Cover Learn Autodesk Revit Architecture Quickly andEasily This Autodesk Official Press guide covers the fundamentals ofAutodesk Revit Architecture with step-by-step tutorials andhands-on exercises that give you firsthand experience with thetools and a good start on preparing for the Autodesk Revitcertification exams. Learn these Autodesk Revit Architecture essentials—and more: The Revit interface and the workflow behind the software Basic building elements: walls, floors, roofs, andceilings Creating several types of stairs, ramps, and railings Using and modifying families to create your content Generating design sketches with FormIt and Sketchbook Pro Adding elements based on space, department, or othervariables Mastering visualization tools and techniques Sharing Revit Architecture files in a project teamenvironment This striking Essentials book features: Chapter-opening learning objectives Step-by-step tutorials Four-color screenshots and illustrations Downloadable exercise files.

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Leverage the power of the Revit family editor to create complex exsentials drawn from classical architecture. To a large extent I think his success is rooted in his own eagerness to по ссылке and learn; plus his ability to share that enthusiasm with others. In this book he has taken that approach to a new level, seizing on one of his long-term interests, embarking on a journey of discovery, and sharing the results with his audience…And there is no better way to deepen your insight than to build your own versions of the classical orders using a programme like Revit.

I think Paul has hit upon an explosive combination. Let him draw you in and take you on two rides for the price of frse. You may esssentials find that, like a child, you learn new skills and knowledge in revif effortless riot of exploratory play…So buy the book, make the autodesk revit architecture 2015 essentials free and take your BIM pencil for a walk across the virtual pages of history. Both editions are identical in content, topics autodesk revit architecture 2015 essentials free autovesk layout.

The book has over images. In the black and white edition, all of the images are in grayscale. The Revit interface makes use of color in the interface elements, sketch modes, shaded displays and materials. In the color edition, all of the color is preserved and the images привожу ссылку the book match much more closely what you autodesk revit architecture 2015 essentials free actually see on your Architefture screen. Furthermore, the color edition uses nicer weight paper with a smoother finish than the black and white edition.

Naturally printing a book of this size in full color is more costly, but the quality of the final product is well worth the price. Please be sure to essentiala your preferred edition when ordering to get the correct price.

If you have a discount code for the eStore, all discounts apply 20115 a percentage and are valid как сообщается здесь either edition. For Downloads A dataset is included with the book.

You must own a copy of the book to learn how to access the files. The dataset is distributed as a digital download no physical media in two versions. The basic dataset frwe only продолжить files required to start each lesson.

The basic dataset does not include any catch-up or completed files. Please refer to the "Book Dataset Files" topic in ссылка на страницу book's Preface for details autodeek how to access the included dataset files.

A complete dataset is also available that contains all of the files in the basic dataset plus many intermediate "catch-up" files and the completed versions of each lesson. Registration is required to access the complete dataset.

Registration is simple and not only entitles you to many more files than are included in the basic dataset, but you will also be eligible to receive updates to the book's files and other bonus files as they become available. Dataset files are free to owners of the book. Both the basic and extended datasets are provided in Revit and formats. Downloads 2 Read Me File type:.

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YouTube is an American online video sharing and social media platform headquartered in San Bruno, California. It is currently owned by Googleand is the second most visited website, after Google Search. YouTube has more than 2. It also offers YouTube Premiuma paid subscription option for watching content without ads. YouTube also approved creators to participate in Google's AdSense program, which seeks to generate more revenue for both parties.

Fi,es its purchase by Google, YouTube has expanded beyond the core website into mobile appsnetwork television, and the ability to link with other platforms. Video categories on YouTube include music videosvideo clipsnewsshort filmsfeature filmsdocumentariesaudio recordings, movie trailersteaserslive streamsvlogsand puotoshop.

Most content is generated by individualsincluding collaborations between YouTubers and corporate sponsors. Established media corporations such as DisneyParamountand Warner Bros. Discovery have also created and expanded their corporate YouTube channels to advertise to a larger audience. YouTube adobe photoshop cs6 classroom in a book dvd files free had an unprecedented social impactinfluencing popular culture, internet trends, and creating multimillionaire celebrities.

Despite all its growth and success, YouTube has been widely criticized. Criticism of YouTube includes the website being used to facilitate the spread of misinformationcopyright issuesiin violations of its users' privacyenabling censorshipand endangering child safety and wellbeing. According to a story that has often been repeated in ddvd media, Hurley and Chen developed the idea for YouTube during the early months ofafter they had experienced difficulty sharing videos that had been shot at a dinner party at Chen's apartment in San Francisco.

Karim did not attend the party and denied that it had occurred, but Chen remarked that the idea that YouTube was founded after a dinner party "was probably very strengthened by marketing ideas around creating a story that was very digestible". Karim could not easily find video clips of the incident and the Indian Ocean Tsunami online, which led to the idea of a video sharing site.

YouTube began as a venture capital —funded technology startup. Contrary to popular belief, YouTube was not the first video-sharing site on the Internet; Vimeo was launched in Novemberthough that site remained a side project of its developers from CollegeHumor at the time and did not grow much, either. Besides helping to bolster ratings and boo, viewership for Saturday Night Live"Lazy Sunday"'s status as an early viral video helped establish YouTube as an important website.

The choice of the name www. Universal Tube subsequently changed its website to www. The company experienced rapid growth. The Daily Telegraph wrote that inYouTube consumed as much bandwidth as the entire Internet in During this time, the company also went through some organizational changes.

In DecemberYouTube partnered with Vevo. The complex has 51, square metressquare feet of space and can house up to 2, employees. Through this period, YouTube tried several new ways classriom generate revenue beyond advertisements. InYouTube launched a pilot program for content providers to offer premium, subscription-based channels within the platform. YouTube also released YouTube Musica third app oriented towards streaming and discovering the music content hosted on the YouTube platform.

The company also attempted to create products to adobe photoshop cs6 classroom in a book dvd files free to specific kinds of viewers. Нажмите для продолжения released a mobile app known as YouTube Kids indesigned to provide an experience optimized for children. It features a simplified user interface, curated selections of channels featuring age-appropriate content, and parental control features.

The company was attacked on April 3,when a shooting occurred at YouTube's headquarters in San Bruno, California, which wounded four and resulted in one death adobd shooter. By Februaryone billion hours of YouTube were watched every day, and hours of video were uploaded every minute. During this period, YouTube entered disputes ddv other tech companies. For over a year, in andthere was no YouTube app available for Amazon Fire products. After testing earlier inYouTube removed public display of dislike counts on videos in Novemberclaiming the reason adobe photoshop cs6 classroom in a book dvd files free the removal was, based on its internal research, that users often used the dislike feature as a form of cyberbullying and brigading.

Some theorized the removal of dislikes was influenced by YouTube Rewindwhich was heavily panned and became the most-disliked video on the platform. The process breaks when the platform interferes with it. Then, the platform invariably declines.

YouTube primarily uses the VP9 and H. At launch inviewing YouTube adobe photoshop cs6 classroom in a book dvd files free on a personal computer required the Adobe Flash Player plug-in to be installed in the browser.

The platform can serve videos at optionally lower resolution levels starting at p for smoothening photozhop in areas and countries with limited Internet speedsimproving compatibility, as well as for the preservation of limited cellular data plans. The resolution setting can be adjusted automatically based on detected connection speed, as well as be set manually.

From tousers could add "annotations" to their videos—such as pop-up text messages and hyperlinks, which allowed for interactive videos. By all annotations had been removed from videos, breaking some videos which depended on the feature.

YouTube introduced standardized widgets intended to replace annotations in a cross-platform manner, including "end screens" a customizable array of thumbnails for phtooshop videos displayed near the end of the video. All YouTube users can upload videos up to 15 minutes each in duration. Users can verify their account, normally through a mobile phone, to gain the ability to upload videos up to 12 hours in length, as well as produce live adobe photoshop cs6 classroom in a book dvd files free.

YouTube also offers manual closed captioning as part of its creator studio. Some intermediate video formats i. InYouTube adobe photoshop cs6 classroom in a book dvd files free a feature called Premiere which displays a notification to the user mentioning when the video will be available for the first time, like for a live stream but with a prerecorded video.

When the scheduled time arrives, the video is нажмите чтобы прочитать больше as a ссылка на страницу broadcast with a two-minute countdown. Optionally, a premiere can be initiated immediately. At the time of classrooj p launch, the YouTube player was changed from a aspect ratio to a widescreen In Novemberp HD support was added.

In JuneYouTube began to deploy support for high-frame-rate videos up to 60 frames per second as opposed to 30 beforebecoming available for user uploads in October. YouTube stated that this would enhance "motion-intensive" videos, such as video game footage.

YouTube videos are available in a range of quality levels. Viewers only indirectly influence the video quality. In the mobile apps, users photosnop between "Auto", which adjusts resolution based on the internet connection, "High Picture Quality" which will prioritize playing high-quality video, "Data saver" which will sacrifice video quality in favor of low data usage and "Advanced" which lets the adobe photoshop cs6 classroom in a book dvd files free choose a stream resolution.

Sinceviewers have had the ability to watch 3D videos. In certain cases, YouTube allows the uploader to upgrade the quality of videos uploaded a long time ago in poor quality.

One such partnership with Universal Music Group included remasters of 1, music videos. YouTube carried out early experiments with live streamingincluding a concert by U2 inand a question-and-answer session with US President Barack Obama in February The creation of live streams was initially limited to select partners.

In Maycreation of live streams was opened to verified users with at least 1, subscribers; in August of the same year the number was reduced to subscribers, [] and in December the limit was removed. Bookk streaming via mobile was initially restricted to users with at least 10, subscribers, [] but as of mid it has been reduced to photoshpo.

On September 13,YouTube launched a public beta adobe photoshop cs6 classroom in a book dvd files free Community, a social media -based feature that allows users to post text, images including GIFslive videos and others in a separate "Community" tab on their channel.

After the feature has been officially released, the community post feature gets activated automatically for every channel that passes a specific threshold of subscriber counts or already has more subscribers. This threshold was lowered over time [ when? Channels that the community tab becomes enabled for, get their channel discussions the name before March "One channel layout" redesign finalization: "channel clawsroom permanently erased, instead of co-existing or migrating.

Most videos enable users to leave comments, and classroomm have attracted attention for the negative aspects of both their form and content. InTime praised Web 2. Some of the comments on YouTube make you weep for the future of humanity just for the spelling alone, never mind the obscenity and the naked hatred".

Juvenile, aggressive, misspelt, sexisthomophobicswinging from raging at the contents of a video to providing a pointlessly detailed description followed by a LOLYouTube comments are a hotbed of infantile debate and unashamed ignorance—with the occasional burst of wit shining through. The Daily Telegraph commented in Septemberthat YouTube was "notorious" for "some of the most confrontational and ill-formed comment exchanges on the internet", and reported on YouTube Windows pro toolkit free Snob, "a new piece of software that blocks rude and illiterate posts".

The stated motivation for the change was giving creators more power to moderate and block comments, thereby addressing frequent criticisms of their quality and tone. In the same увидеть больше Melvin goes on to say: []. Perhaps user complaints are justified, but the idea of revamping the old system isn't so bad.

Think of the crude, misogynistic and racially-charged mudslinging that has transpired over the last eight years on YouTube without any discernible moderation. Isn't any attempt to curb unidentified libelers worth a shot?

The system is far from perfect, but Google should be lauded for trying to alleviate some of the damage caused by irate YouTubers hiding behind animosity and anonymity. They can also allow other users to moderate their comments.

In Decemberit was reported that YouTube would launch a new feature that will frer users who post a comment that "may be offensive to others. YouTube offers users the ability to view its videos on web pages outside their website.

Users wishing to post a video discussing, inspired by, or related to another user's video can make a "video response". The eleven character YouTube video identifier 64 possible characters used in each positionallows for a theoretical maximum of 64 11 or around YouTube announced that it would remove video responses for being an underused feature on August 27, In FebruaryYouTube announced a test service, allowing some partners to offer video downloads for free or for a fee microsoft office standard 2016 price philippines free through Google Checkout.

Since Julyit has been possible to select a Creative Commons attribution license as the default, allowing other users to reuse and remix the material. Most adobe photoshop cs6 classroom in a book dvd files free smartphones are capable of accessing YouTube videos, either within an application or through an optimized website. Since JuneYouTube's videos have been available for viewing посмотреть еще a range of Apple products. This required YouTube's жмите to be transcoded into Apple's preferred video standard, H.

The mobile version adobe photoshop cs6 classroom in a book dvd files free the site was relaunched based on HTML5 in Julyavoiding the need to use Adobe Flash Player and optimized for use with touch screen controls. In SeptemberYouTube богу)))))начало adobe audition 3.0 export free вас its first app for the iPhone, following the увидеть больше to drop YouTube as one of the preloaded apps in the iPhone 5 and iOS 6 operating system.

In JanuaryYouTube launched "YouTube for TV", a version of the website tailored for set-top boxes and other TV-based media devices with web browsers, /12282.txt allowing its videos to be viewed on the PlayStation 3 and Wii video game consoles. During phltoshop month of June ccs6 same year, YouTube Classgoom was introduced, which has a simplified interface designed for viewing on a standard television screen.

On November 15,Google launched an official app for the Wii, allowing users to watch YouTube videos from the Wii channel.

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